1.get the data we need by .find({},{})
to find the only data that i need through monggodb find() ,find(),will not change database.
find the data in 2018/01/09 and only show caseid,loginfo.find({'date':'2018/01/09'},{'_id':0,'caseid':1})
to find data in a range,use $in,loginfo.find({'date',{'$in':['2018/01/08','2018/01/09']}},{'_id':0,'date':1,'caseid':1})
the different format of data,yy-mm-dd,yy.mm.dd,yy/mm/dd
for i in loginfo.find():
frags = i['date'].split('/')
if len(frags) == 1:
date = frags
date = '{}.{}.{}'.format(frags[0],frags[1],frags[2])
2. let codes know the date
import the libraries, from datetime import timedelta, date
firstly, let’s ge to know how date and datedelta work
a = date(2018,1,13)
a = timedelta(days=1)
NOW, let’s jump into the codes
unfortunately, this is a wrong case to remind me not to do it again
we will input the date like ‘2018-01-01’ into the get_all_dates(). and for comparing the 2 dates, we need to split it first, and the combine them together by date() so that our code could compare them and give us a date period. BUT, when use date() to combine, transfer it into
you may think why not use date2 minus date1???. the problem is how to minus them and give us how many days between them???
def get_all_dates(date1, date2):
start_date = date(int(date1.split('/')[0]),int(date1.split('/')[1]),int(date1.split('/')[2]))
end_date = date(int(date2.split('/')[0]),int(date2.split('/')[1]),int(date2.split('/')[2]))
days = timedelta(days=1)
while start_date <= end_date:
start_date = start_date + days
for i in get_all_dates('2018/01/01','2018/01/10'):
you probably find that the date of the year is %yy, not %yyyy
so, just change the code to yield (start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
, capital letter Y.
3. find the member & the date
we need to find the volume of which member on which day.
def get_data_within(date1,date2,members):
for member in members:
for date in get_all_dates(date1,date2):
a = list(loginfo.find({'date':date,'handle_by':member}))
print(date, member, len(a))
get_data_within('2018/01/01','2018/01/10',['David Liu'])
we use for
loop to find who in which day did how much cases. that means each factor in members, and get_date_from() will generate a list named a, one by one.
4.Make the chart by using the data above
def get_data_within(date1, date2, members):
for member in members:
each_day_posts = []
for date in get_all_dates(date1,date2):
a = list(loginfo.find({'date':date, 'handle_by':member}))
each_day_post = len(a)
data = {
'name': member,
'data': each_day_posts,
'type': 'line'
yield data
for i in get_data_within('2018/01/01', '2018/01/10', ['David Liu','Andy Tsao']):
options = {
'chart': {'zoomType':'xy'},
'title' : {'text': 'volume'},
'subtitle' : {'text': 'by member'},
'xAxis' : {'categories': [i for i in get_all_dates('2018/01/01', '2018/01/10')]},
'yAxis' : {'title': {'text': 'cases'}}
series = [i for i in get_data_within('2018/01/01', '2018/01/10', ['David Liu','Andy Tsao'])]
charts.plot(series, options=options, show='inline')