1.get the data we need by .find({},{})
to find the only data that i need through monggodb find() ,find(),will not change database.
find the data in 2018/01/09 and only show caseid,loginfo.find({'date':'2018/01/09'},{'_id':0,'caseid':1})
to find data in a range,use $in,loginfo.find({'date',{'$in':['2018/01/08','2018/01/09']}},{'_id':0,'date':1,'caseid':1})
the different format of data,yy-mm-dd,yy.mm.dd,yy/mm/dd
for i in loginfo.find():
frags = i['date'].split('/')
if len(frags) == 1:
date = frags
date = '{}.{}.{}'.format(frags[0],frags[1],frags[2])
2. let codes know the date
import the libraries, from datetime import timedelta, date
firstly, let’s ge to know how date and datedelta work
a = date(2018,1,13)
a = timedelta(days=1)
NOW, let’s jump into the codes unfortunately, this is a wrong case to remind me not to do it again
we will input the date like ‘2018-01-01’ into the get_all_dates(). and for comparing the 2 dates, we need to split it first, and the combine them together by date() so that our code could compare them and give us a date period. BUT, when use date() to combine, transfer it into int(date1.split('-'))
you may think why not use date2 minus date1???. the problem is how to minus them and give us how many days between them???
def get_all_dates(date1, date2):
start_date = date(int(date1.split('/')[0]),int(date1.split('/')[1]),int(date1.split('/')[2]))
end_date = date(int(date2.split('/')[0]),int(date2.split('/')[1]),int(date2.split('/')[2]))
days = timedelta(days=1)
while start_date <= end_date:
start_date = start_date + days
for i in get_all_dates('2018/01/01','2018/01/10'):
you probably find that the date of the year is %yy, not %yyyy
so, just change the code to yield (start_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
, capital letter Y.
3. find the member & the date
we need to find the volume of which member on which day.
def get_data_within(date1,date2,members):
for member in members:
for date in get_all_dates(date1,date2):
a = list(loginfo.find({'date':date,'handle_by':member}))
print(date, member, len(a))
get_data_within('2018/01/01','2018/01/10',['David Liu'])
we use for
loop to find who in which day did how much cases. that means each factor in members, and get_date_from() will generate a list named a, one by one.
4.Make the chart by using the data above
def get_data_within(date1, date2, members):
for member in members:
each_day_posts = []
for date in get_all_dates(date1,date2):
a = list(loginfo.find({'date':date, 'handle_by':member}))
each_day_post = len(a)
data = {
'name': member,
'data': each_day_posts,
'type': 'line'
yield data
for i in get_data_within('2018/01/01', '2018/01/10', ['David Liu','Andy Tsao']):
options = {
'chart': {'zoomType':'xy'},
'title' : {'text': 'volume'},
'subtitle' : {'text': 'by member'},
'xAxis' : {'categories': [i for i in get_all_dates('2018/01/01', '2018/01/10')]},
'yAxis' : {'title': {'text': 'cases'}}
series = [i for i in get_data_within('2018/01/01', '2018/01/10', ['David Liu','Andy Tsao'])]
charts.plot(series, options=options, show='inline')