Sort data by using aggregate(pipeline)->user guide

1.Overview of aggregate

Aggregate function need the pipeline to sort data where it contains all the conditions we need. first, let’s get to know how to write the sort conditions.

pipeline = [
    {'$match': {'$and':[{'date':'2018/01/09'},{'handle_by':'David Liu'}]}},
    {'$group': {'_id':'$city','counts':{'$sum':1}}},
    {'$sort': {'counts':-1}},
    {'$limit': 3}
for i in loginfo.aggregate(pipeline):


city column chart top 10

2.Transfer it to be a data generator for pie charts

 def data_gen(date, member):
    pipeline = [
        {'$group':{'_id':'$city', 'counts':{'$sum':1}}},
        {'$sort': {'counts':-1}},
    for i in loginfo.aggregate(pipeline):
        yield [i['_id'], i['counts']]

when we use yield, a list could be yield by puting data in ‘[]‘,like yield [i['_id'], i['counts']] 2.jpg

3. Make a pie chart

options = {
    'title':{'text':'city on one day'}
series = [{
    'type': 'pie',
    'name': 'volume',
    'data': [i for i in data_gen('2018/01/09','David Liu')]

charts.plot(series, options=options, show='inline')



Q: 2018/01/01-2018/01/09 city volume in a period

pipeline = [
    {'$match': {'$and': [{'date':{'$gte':'2017/01/01','$lte':'2018/01/09'}},{'handle_by':'David Liu'}]}},
    {'$group': {'_id':'$city', 'counts': {'$sum': 1}}},
for i in loginfo.aggregate(pipeline):

unduplicated data can be sorted through $grooup, cuz it means that find the same city and add 1. grouping means take duplicated data in order and make it unduplicated.

2.jpg create a data generator to yiled the data that column chart needs.

def data_gen(date1, date2, member, limit):
    pipeline = [
    {'$match': {'$and': [{'date':{'$gte':date1,'$lte':date2}},{'handle_by':member}]}},
    {'$group': {'_id':'$city', 'counts': {'$sum': 1}}},
    {'$sort': {'counts':-1}},
    {'$limit': limit}
    for i in loginfo.aggregate(pipeline):
        data = {
            'name': i['_id'],
            'data': [i['counts']],
            'type': 'column'
        yield data

then use the data yielded above to generate the chart

series = [i for i in data_gen('2017/01/01','2017/12/31','David Liu',10) ]
options = {
    'title':{'text':'Top 10 Citys Handled by David in 2017'},
charts.plot(series, options=options, show='inline')

